It’s not Dave’s fault, but his DSL has been flaky today. Which means my sites, that he hosts for free, have been up and down all morning and it’s making me feel ill. Sad but true. Took my mind off it for a little while by having a family outing to the library, where we met up with our favorite neighbors to check out a juggling performance…which I failed to document photographically. Doh. Now that we’re home again it’s time to perform triage on my To Do list. Lunch first. Then writing, cleaning, client work, and more writing. Perhaps in that order.
Not on the To Do list…the Le Tigre show tonight. I would like to take the little man to it. He has seen them before, after all, but that was outdoors. Sigh. I do love them so, and I worry about turnout…after having their show originally scheduled at a venue that’s suddenly gone bankrupt, and now moved a few blocks over to a much less popular spot. Plus they’re playing in the smaller Ascot Room at the same time The Donnas are headlining in the big room. Haven’t seen the latter since they opened for Bratmobile a few years back, but I would take Le Tigre over them any day. Go if you can, and then tell me about it. I need someone to live vicariously through.
Bonus: Below, photos from yesterday’s visit to the Children’s Museum.
NaNo word count: 11738/50000
Update: Because I suck and don’t have comments Cheek emailed to tell the Le Tigre show was cancelled outright after all. If I couldn’t see them, no one could. Or something.