We have a treat for you today…a rare appearance by, gasp, the husband. He’s not imaginary after all, I swear. So all weekend I’ve been typing like a madwoman. Yesterday, skipping the one day of gorgeous weather to catch up on my NaNoWriMo word count (and then some), and today coding like a fiend for client projects. My right wrist is causing me extreme pain, mediated only by frequent doses of ibuprofen. But the caffeine’s been making me go go go like a wind-up toy. Until just moments ago, that is, when the husband stepped in to command me, via Mr. Flower, to cease and desist. Well, he really just suggested I take a break (though he added that Mr. Flower might not ask so nicely a second time). Consider me broken. Time to take the little man to the playground.
Bonus: If any fellow NaNoWriMos are in need of inspiration…two news articles that capture the imagination. 1: Giant squid ‘taking over world‘ and 2: it’s official - the platypus is weird (both via Neil Gaiman, naturally).
NaNo word count: 12145/50000