Last week the hospital called. After sending our paperwork in, their triage team reviewed it and forwarded the little man’s file to the NeuroPsych people. While I know this is progress, a little voice inside is sounding the alarm. I’m sure it will be fine, and I’m hoping it will, in fact, be quite good…for all of us. After many obstacles and so much red tape things are actually starting to happen. Next Monday I’m scheduled to meet with someone regarding my child, who will help prep us for his upcoming assessment. Not really sure what to expect. In related news the little man’s IEP paperwork came home from school yesterday. It’s been rewritten to more closely fit his current needs, which is a good thing, but it can be disconcerting to see what others write about your child. Some things made me smile, like, “he prefers to play with the action toys, cars, and dramatic play things.” He certainly can be dramatic, and melodramatic, just like his mama. But the conclusion page, calling for continued special education services, cites “poor self regulation skills and language/articulation issues.” My little man is a work in progress.