Sunday night randomness. Stayed away from any computer(s) for at least six hours.

That’s like some kind of record, aside from the hours I spend sleeping. Which brings to mind a book I’m currently reading:
Many of us wish we could get by with less sleep. Beggars in Spain extrapolates that wish into a future where some people need no sleep at all. Nancy Kress, an award-winning author of novels, short stories, and columns on writing, has created another thoughtful but dramatic statement on social issues.
When I finally did check my email one subject line in particular caught my eye. My food-obsessed brain parsed it as “you can find some good take out” so I was severely disappointed when it turned out to be spam. Spam that actually read “you can find someone good to take out…” Boring!
The little man and I swung by my folks’ house this afternoon, to drop off a gift for their 20th wedding anniversary. Since we were already in the ‘burbs, we were dangerously close to World Market. And it would have been a shame not to indulge. Picked up a few things there, including my latest bad habit. Ginger ale made by Boylan’s Bottleworks. It is soooooooo tasty.
I just ordered one of Zophia’s holiday gifts and I badly want to post what it is because it’s terribly amusing, well, to me at least, but then she might not be able to keep herself from following the link and then the surprise would be ruined and that would just be sad. So there.
More than anything, I’m in the mood to watch Strictly Ballroom - one of my long-time favorite films which I, inexplicably, do not possess. I plan to remedy this soon.