There is much the husband doesn’t understand about me, especially my many compulsions. We’re not Christian,

but some of our extended family members are. So around this time every year I get caught up in buying too much stuff, mainly for the kids. But it’s just plain fun to shop for toys, online or otherwise. And not to go all MightyGoods on you, but naturally I often get sidetracked on this quest, finding things that I desire. Items like Gama Go’s Yeti Journal and Ninja Kitty icon shirt, these Tokyo Snack Plates, this tongue in cheek chess set,

these adorable side-snap cell phone holders, and just about everything from the Giant Robot store. There goes rethinking the season. Maybe next year.
Bonus: Early this morning the husband called me from work, asking me to look something up online. He started singing “4, 3, 2, 1 Earth below us” and so on. Turns out he and his co-workers were trying to figure out who sang the non-Bowie version of an 80s song called Major Tom (Coming Home). That would be a German guy named Peter Schilling. But where is he now?
Plus: Strut your stuff, Sesame Street style.