The morning was going well enough. The husband and I had vegan caramel pecan rolls, and played a rousing game of Word Blind, which I won, but just barely. And then he fixed himself some lunch. And then he tripped as he was carrying it up the stairs. And then he spilled the entire plate of pasta on to said stairs, save for two meatless meatballs, and one lone clove of garlic (just another reason why there should be a ban on eating in the computer room, if you ask me). I didn’t mock him, though…I empathised, as I am one of the clutziest creatures around. But he did get the chance to mock me…for stringing white xmas lights up on the deck. I’d purchased several boxes of these lights years ago, before realizing there aren’t electrical outlets anywhere near the front of the house. But there is just one in the back. And there are at least eight houses in the surrounding area whose occupants will be able to view our purty lights. And it will make the little man very happy. So there.

Bonus: The new New Order is allegedly coming out on February 28, 2005 (my friend Monica’s birthday).
Plus: Neil Gaiman’s work, A Short Film About John Bolton, is now shipping through Amazon. I’d like to see that.
And: This is funny…except I think there are other things going on in the world for the Vatican to be outraged over.