And now for something completely different.

Our little familial unit just stopped by our local library. While the visit didn’t yield the books I was looking for, we did come away with a few other things, including two DVDs. Each with the potential to be brilliant or really really bad…or maybe a bit of both. First, Koi Mil Gaya, the first sci-fi film made in Hindi, looks like a Bollywood version of E.T. Secondly, Shark Skin Man and Peach Hip Girl, which looks campy in an entirely different way. One of the more positive reviews has this to say:
“This film plays like a comic book with a few panels missing and a few pages out of order, but the comic’s so lively, so enthralling with its strange characters and colorful imagery that it doesn’t matter.”
And thus begins my hibernation for the winter, with the stockpiling of books, DVDs and foodstuffs. I might not leave the house for weeks at a time.
Bonus: I’ve been on a Blade kick lately, but Trinity is garnering the worst reviews of the trilogy. Another long-awaited sequel, Oceans Twelve, allegedly lacks the pizazz of the first. I’ll likely wait until they hit the second run theaters. Preferably in the spring time.