I’ve just realized…while my creative output has been on the rise these last few years, the little man’s has been in steady decline. When he was two and three years old the kid loved to color and fingerpaint, going at it for hours a day. On paper, tables, walls, himself. He took advantage of any available surface. And he used to press so hard that he wore marker tips down to little nubs. Crayons would melt in his hot little hands. But at four and five he’s shown less interest. Is he jaded already? Did I overwhelm him with the sheer number of choices in medium, with all the paints and watercolor pencils, chalk, the crayons of varying size and color, the vast array of markers? Thankfully he’s enjoyed a burst of creativity this past week. Not only has he been fingerpainting, he’s been drawing faces and scary scarecrows (the latter is something he picked up from a Bob the Builder video, apparently). And, this is most exciting, he started writing out his very first letters. At the prompting of no one and without assistance. Well, I think it’s exciting anyhow, and thus have photographed his recent efforts. As for the face in the bottom photo…I’ve nicknamed that the grumpy tadpole, and am considering turning it into a strange children’s book, or writing a short story about it. Or maybe both.
Bonus: I would love to see the results of Duluth’s Diorama-rama. Hopefully someone will post photos. Hint hint.
Plus: Speaking of results, the little man may or may not have freaking ringworm. After a trip to urgent care this morning, the lab tests were inconclusive. So we’re going with the prescription anti-fungal ointment, just in case. Fun. My life is so glamorous. Perhaps the story could be The Grumpy Tadpole Gets Ringworm.