While out this morning I drove past many gaudily decorated houses, but there was one in particular that caught my eye, with such a dizzying array of christmas crap distributed across its front yard. The decorations ranged from multitudes of reindeer and multiple manger scenes, to several Snoopy Santas and evil looking elves. Naturally I stopped to snap a few photos, but something about the place made me uneasy…so I found myself fleeing sooner than I’d intended. Oh well. Not long after I returned home the little man came back from school, bearing a package addressed to Mommy and Daddy. Of course he tore into it without giving us a chance. The “gift” was a hand towel, decorated with the little man’s footprint in white…turned into a snowman. I think it’s cute (the other parental unit in the household is less gracious about it). Since then the lad and I have lazed about some, and made a batch of christmas cutout cookies. Which I’ve been washing down with Silk nog. Sadly I’m the only one in the house who will touch the stuff. The little man is leery of new things, in general, but the husband is just a spoilsport. About the Silk nog he asked “you do realize it’s just soy milk with oil?” Yeah, well, the flavor’s in the fat. So there.
Bonus: I highly recommend the fabulous Kage Baker. I’d already gotten totally hooked on her novels about The Company. But I just finished her book of short stories, Black Projects, White Knights: The Company Dossiers, also set in that universe, and it left me wanting more. The latest, The Life of the World to Come, has just come out in hardcover. Sadly the local library hasn’t got it yet.