I’ve been on pins and needles waiting for packages to arrive. Not all online stores were created equal. Some have super crapass® package tracking, or, more frustratingly, no package tracking at all. I realize there’s still time, but I’m ready to start gift wrapping in earnest. And I just know as soon I leave the house the delivery people will converge upon our doorstep, leaving behind their lame pickup notices before speeding away. In other news, today is the little man’s last day of school until, gulp, January 3rd. That means an extra lot of one on one time with the lad. I’ll have to somehow keep him occupied and amused while I attempt to wrap up a couple of client projects, deal with the holidays, spend time with friends and family visiting from out of town, and edit my novel. Can I kick it? (Yes, you can!) We’re going to start this party right by checking out Theater Mu’s Taiko Drumming performance at the Children’s Museum tomorrow morning. Should be a good time.
Bonus: This sounds like fun: Chicks with Sticks. Though I’ll have to learn to knit with the lights on before I try doing it in the dark.
Plus: Dave Eggers will be at Bound to Be Read Sunday night, at 7pm.
And: Calling all fiends, Episode 14 has arrived.
And another thing: Chuck rocks. That is all.