My head is going to implode. Too much to be done, and too many ideas to take in. And more important than impending holidays and looming deadlines is the question of the little man’s educational future. The husband is currently reading The Underground History of American Education by former schoolteacher, John Taylor Gatto. The idea of homeschooling the little man has come up before, and reading this book is only making that option more appealing. But I’m already counting down the days (17) until the lad goes back to school. So the question isn’t just am I capable of teaching my son, but also, could I handle taking him on, one and one, 24/7? Still, part of me is seriously considering the idea…and there are secular homeschooling support groups out there. But first we’ll have to consider the results of next month’s neuropsych assessment. On the lighter side, we made it to the Children’s Museum this morning in time for the Fabulous Fridays World Music program. Unfortunately the guys weren’t as interested in the Taiko drumming as I was, so I took in the performance alone. Afterwards we regrouped and had ourselves a pleasant little visit, as the museum was only moderately crowded.

When we returned home I feared we’d find one of those dreaded notices from a delivery driver. Instead we found one of the long-awaited packages itself, rather unceremoniously dumped upon our doorstep. A little while later the doorbell rang and another package arrived. Each contained at least one gift for the little man, which I had to make scarce in a hurry. But one box also contained gifts for me. Oops. Specifically a Jolly Roger sticker for my Powerbook, and a package of pirate bandages, with hidden treasure (a miniature monkey wearing a Fez).
Bonus: I couldn’t agree more with Receptionista’s post about “schizoid holiday madness” but at least she’s currently out bowling with her work boyfriend…while I shudder to think what my impending visit to the post office has in store for the little man and I. Chin up, old girl, chin up.