I have been utterly useless today. All right, maybe not utterly. I’ve managed to keep the little man fed, in clean clothes, and fairly entertained. But there are towering stacks of dirty dishes threatening to engulf the entire kitchen. And I’m still in my pajamas. I wasn’t allowed to sleep in (to bed around 3am, up around 7am), but thankfully I’ve had the luxury of lounging all day after my big night out among adults. And it was totally worth it. I had a wonderful time at the holidayish party put on by Society Dome and partner. Though I’m afraid I reached dizzying new heights of spazziness, while dominating conversations. I was either falling on the floor laughing, or talking incessantly about the little man. I do have social skills. Just not entirely appropriate social skills. Let’s just see if I get invited back, hmmm?

Today’s highlight was getting the mail, and finding a wee little package included in it. Thank you Hillary, that was so thoughtful! I knew what it was ahead of time and so allowed the little man to open it. He was as delighted as I was, and excitedly hung his new handmade ornament on our wee tree. But then he was ready to tear into all of the other presents as well. Doh. So far I haven’t given in. Yet.
Bonus: I’ve started reading Jonathan Strange & Mr Norrell, just in time to include it in my “books of the year” list. Such lists should be forthcoming in the next couple of weeks. Yep, I have list-making on my To Do list. That’s sorta sad.