I’ve added an item to the list of things Sharyn should not do: baking while sleep deprived. Bad idea. But the little man and I were jonesing for more christmas cookies last night. I thought it would be an easy thing, to make more of a recipe that worked out so well for us the other day. Except that I started mixing the dry ingredients and realized it was the wrong recipe. And I couldn’t find the right one, written down or online. Naturally I decided to boldly, and badly, forge ahead. I just kinda winged it. The end result was a half batch of sad little brick-like cookies that aren’t just dry, they aren’t very sweet either. And I didn’t add enough food coloring so they came out a pukey seafoam green, which reminds me of my grandmother’s bathroom. How very appetizing. Still, the little man is scarfing them down with no complaints.
Plus: The wind chill is down to 11 degrees below zero. So while I may just make it out of my pajamas today (eventually), I’m certainly not going to make it out of the house. Besides, there will be enough of that in the coming week with all the holiday gatherings, and a rock&roll rollerskating party to boot.