And so it begins. So much to do. So many places to be. There have already been some good times this week. The little man created the most beautiful xmas cards, mostly on his own (with just a very little help from me). But I loved them so much I couldn’t possibly give them away. If it’s hard to discern the subjects, they are, starting clockwise: a train; a teddy bear/snowman hybrid; an ostrich-like bird; a house; and an xmas tree.

Last night we went to the neigbhors’ house for a lovely little holiday party. Our hermitude began in earnest when the temperatures plunged, so even though our yards are connected, it had been weeks since we’d seen any of said neighbors. From here on out we’re going to make concerted efforts to hang out on a more regular basis.

Then this morning an old friend came over. It was the first time we’d seen each other in two years, as she’s hardly been in Minnesota since we graduated from high school. The little man didn’t remember her, but they bonded over a mutual love of Pee Wee’s Playhouse and French Toast (special secret tip: the latter is really tasty, and easy, when made with Silk Nog). But there have been some bad times this week as well. A migraine knocked me on my ass for more than two days, and I’m still feeling the after effects…flashing lights in the corner of my left eye, general queasiness, and an achey neck. What the heck? Hopefully ibuprofen will help me get by for the rest of this week’s work and festivities.
Bonus: Congratulations to Chuck, whose Blogumentary scored a favorable review in Mother Jones magazine.
Plus: Bearskinrug gets redesigned, and Danny Gregory fulfills his last resolution for ‘04. If I could only follow through in the same way.