It feels somehow wrong to carry on with business as usual, while there is so much (extra) doom and gloom in the world. But I’ve been trying to take advantage of my time to strengthen connections with those close to me, as much as possible. A good friend, Miss Delia Jane has been home from Chicago for over a week now, but today we had our first opportinity to get together. And it happened to be on the eve of her departure. I’m glad we had the time to catch up over a leisurely late afternoon lunch at Evergreen, which we followed with a shared slice of vegan cheesecake at Muddy Paws.

Back at the ranch the little man and I enjoyed a quiet evening. Our only excitement…discovering some leftover christmas crackers. He tore into them and claimed the yo-yo and plastic fangs, while I crowned myself. Twice. Since then I’ve taken care of some work, and had a little photoshop fun. It was high time to ditch my old self-portrait on the about page. I’ve gone through more than a few hair colors in the intervening years, and have, obviously, aged some as well. The new photo tells it like it is, so to speak.

Bonus: Always read the fine print before signing.
Random: On the way to Minneapolis this afternoon I spotted a stalled pickup truck on the side of the freeway. These things happen. But the bed of this particular truck happened to be holding a Star Wars pinball machine.
Plus: “These are the People in My Neighborhood” (well, in Heather and Derek’s neighborhood, at any rate).
And: Everyone Else Has Had More Sex Than Me (via Coudal, via The Twilight Lounge via some other guy). My favorite part, the keyboard player in the background.