Where did the year go? I’m still processing, and not quite ready to recap 2004 yet (though it was oh so much better than 2003). So do I resolve to be realistic about my expectations for the new year, or go for the Mondo Beyondo when looking ahead? Maybe a little bit of both. I don’t want to set myself up for failure, so I’ll throw a few things out there that would be, you know, nice for 2005 (if not terribly exciting). I would like to:
- edit my first novel before I start writing its sequel;
- ensure the little man is matched up to an educational environment that most closely matches his needs. We are on this path, with his upcoming evaluation at the Children’s Hospital, but I do intend to follow through;
- migrate this site to the CMS the husband’s put together for me (I have just ordered new parts so the husband can assemble me a new, much faster computer);
- have my actual body weight more closely match the number listed on my driver’s license;
- see the husband get a day job, so that we might actually be able to hang out…and sleep in the bed at the same time, rather than in shifts. That would be novel.
Now for the much sexier and highly improbable list. However unlikely…
- Have at my disposal an arsenal of high quality digital cameras, new lenses, and other accessories (including a professional quality photo printer) to continue my photographical adventures. And taking it one step further, getting set up with video equipment and classes to further document my life (that thought should make the husband cringe);
- Get some globetrotting in. Say, a trip to England with my boys, lounging in Italy with Zophia, Taiwan with Dave and Huey-Ling, with a sidetrip to Beijing to visit April, and a toyshopping spree in Japan for good measure. Closer to home, Canada to visit my favorite goalie and his kin, and further away, a sojourn to Lebanon to meet my long-lost cousins (in reality, I’ll be lucky if I make that tentatively planned trip to the Bay Area in 2005).
- Home renovation. First, the damage control. A new roof, new electrical wiring, new boiler, new water heater, new siding, replace the falling down fence in the backyard. Then the fun stuff. Refinishing all the hardwood floors. An addition on the back of the house with a fireplace and a second bathroom. A completely revamped kitchen, with cupboards I can reach, and flooring that isn’t peeling mauve linoleum. And hey, how about a garage?
- After renovating the house, put it on the market and magically make enough of a profit to move the family unit to Berkeley. Now I’m really tilting at windmills, huh?
- And finally, the ultimate daydream. Getting a book deal to have one or more of my novels published. Ha!
But really. My life is pretty danged good as it is. I just need to push myself a little harder, to combat my tendency towards sloth (she writes while still wearing pajamas). Apparently the husband’s one and only goal for the new year is to control the weather. What can I say, he thinks big.
Bonus: Tonight you can catch the Four Polite White Men of the Apocalypse on TPT at 7pm (a couple of weeks ago two of our compatriots from New Patriot shared a short segment on Almanac, with Powerline bloggers Scott Johnson and John Hinderaker). It’s also online here.