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Monthly Archives: December 2004

Tupperware Is Not An Eating Vessel

I’ve added an item to the list of things Sharyn should not do: baking while sleep deprived. Bad idea. But the little man and I were jonesing for more christmas cookies last night. I thought it would be an easy thing, to make more of a recipe that worked out so well for us [...]

Happy Sparkling Lights

I have been utterly useless today. All right, maybe not utterly. I’ve managed to keep the little man fed, in clean clothes, and fairly entertained. But there are towering stacks of dirty dishes threatening to engulf the entire kitchen. And I’m still in my pajamas. I wasn’t allowed to sleep in (to bed around [...]

Shivved By An Elf

My head is going to implode. Too much to be done, and too many ideas to take in. And more important than impending holidays and looming deadlines is the question of the little man’s educational future. The husband is currently reading The Underground History of American Education by former schoolteacher, John Taylor Gatto. The [...]

A Generic Mcmagic Movie With A Meaningless Plot

Poor Ursula K. LeGuin. I just read her essay, A Whitewashed Earthsea: How the Sci Fi Channel wrecked my books. There’s also an extended version, called Earthsea in Clorox (via Neil Gaiman). So in hindsight selling the movie rights was not the best move, but she explains her thinking behind it…and a bit about [...]

Hypersensitive Misanthropes Of The World Unite

I’ve been on pins and needles waiting for packages to arrive. Not all online stores were created equal. Some have super crapass® package tracking, or, more frustratingly, no package tracking at all. I realize there’s still time, but I’m ready to start gift wrapping in earnest. And I just know as soon I leave [...]

Beauty Is Truly In The Eye Of The Tiger

While out this morning I drove past many gaudily decorated houses, but there was one in particular that caught my eye, with such a dizzying array of christmas crap distributed across its front yard. The decorations ranged from multitudes of reindeer and multiple manger scenes, to several Snoopy Santas and evil looking elves. Naturally [...]

I Killed My Dinner With Karate

Naturally I observe all of the little man’s behavior with great interest. Lately I’ve noticed his food choices in particular, and how they’ve been unduly influenced by the DVDs he watches.

Like many kids he is a little picky, and prefers to stick with a routine (like a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for [...]

Listen To The Rhythm. Don’t Be Scared.

I have another deadline looming before me, but I’m just not feeling it. has a special offer, specifically for NaNoWriMo winners like myself. The offer is this, a free printed copy of my book, with color front and back covers and black and white interior. This offer expires on January 15, 2005. I [...]

The Beginning Of The First Age Of Anything

I’ve just realized…while my creative output has been on the rise these last few years, the little man’s has been in steady decline. When he was two and three years old the kid loved to color and fingerpaint, going at it for hours a day. On paper, tables, walls, himself. He took advantage of [...]

You Are Not Alone

And now for something completely different.

Our little familial unit just stopped by our local library. While the visit didn’t yield the books I was looking for, we did come away with a few other things, including two DVDs. Each with the potential to be brilliant or really really bad…or maybe a bit of [...]