Being the fickle creature that I am, these lists are hard to compile, especially without editing afterwards. And rarely do I have the chance to hear a tenth of what I intend to. But I had better get on with it.
01: Arcade Fire - Funeral
02: Mirah - C’mon Miracle
03: Elliott Smith - From a Basement on a Hill
04: Saul Williams - Saul Williams
05: Ted Leo & the Pharmacists - Shake the Sheets
06: Zap Mama - Ancestry in Progress
07: Magnetic Fields - I
08: The Decemberists - The Tain EP (though the upcoming Picaresque is far more fabulous, which I know because I am, uh, clairvoyant, yeah)
09: Low - A Lifetime of Temporary Relief
10: Handsome Boy Modeling School - White People
(specifically because of the Cat Power track)
Honorable mentions:
The Thermals - Fuckin A
Neko Case - The Tigers Have Spoken
Mates of State - All Day
Interpol - Antics
Camera Obscura - Underachievers Please Try Harder
Le Tigre - This Island
Deerhoof - Milk Man
Before we get too far into 2005 I’d like to hear more of what’s on Lane’s list. Next up, books and movies.