This evening the lovely ladies converged on my house for the first time in ages. The three of us hadn’t gotten together since our impromptu pumpkin-carving party. In October. Yeah. But we do like to exchange gifts after the holidays, to drag it out as long as possible. And we scored some sweet swag. From Haudrey, the adorable “Olivia Sleepover Kit” - haven’t decided whether or not I’ll share with the little man, though we have been on an Olivia kick lately (Lane & Maxwell too). From Zophia, Kung Fu placemats & coasters and Asian Cult Cinema. And the little man, whoa. Last schoolyear he fell in love with the book, Go Away, Big Green Monster, which I’ve since purchased. But at school they also had this neat hand puppet to go with it. And now we’ve got it too. Yay! Afterwards we went on to dinner at Babani’s. Being seated there reminded Zophia of a recent lunch outing, with some co-workers. When asked how many were in her party she held up four fingers in reply. Unfortunately she was wearing a mitten at the time (sounds like something I would have done). Our gang of four had a lovely dinner, despite one member repeatedly sliding off of his booth seat and squirming around on the floor. And a miscommunication with the waitress that garnered me more than twice the amount of Niskena and Kurdish Bread than I’d intended, but hey, leftovers. It was just nice to get out. While talking, you know, having a conversation, face to face, with other non-children people (it’s such a rarity for me these days) Haudrey mentioned that she, too, thought that one photo of me, in the “history of my hair” gallery, looked just like the little man, wearing a wig. I have to admit I do see the resemblance between little me and little man, but not so much between big me and bigger little man. Only time will tell. Or maybe he should start wearing a wig now.
Bonus: Post-elections sentiment that I’m most embarrassed to admit I agree with: I’m like a born-again apathetic!
Plus: In a truth is as strange as fiction twist, read “The Loneliest Mystery of the Deep” - an incredibly depressing news story about a whale, that happens to match the plot of a Star Trek movie.
And: Crap. The Gates installation will only be up in Central Park for 16 days, between February 12th - 28th. NYC trip, anyone?