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Technical Difficulties And Consolations

Last night my faithful old monitor died in my sleep (after I’d gone to bed, while the husband was setting up my brand spanking new computer). After ten years of service the sad little 14″ sucker was ready to be retired anyhow. But the only temporary replacement in the house was the husband’s recently retired monitor that had gone on the fritz. Thankfully we hadn’t recycled it yet, and it seems to be working all right (good thing, too, as I had a client meeting in-house this morning). Hopefully it will hold up until the new one arrives. Just yesterday I was reading about CEO Balaji Krishnamurthy, and his policy of rewarding rank-and-file employees first, before moving up the management chain. This made me want to purchase a new monitor from Planar Systems. But it seems they only make LCD monitors, which the husband claims are for shite. So instead I’m going with the old CRT style, but a nice 17″ one (the husband’s recently purchased model is 19″, but my twee little desk isn’t large enough to hold something that mammoth). Shopping for computer goodies is a dangerous business, as it makes me want more and more and more. My old PC was a hodge-podge of the husband’s cast-off parts. For the first time since 1994 I have a blazingly fast new machine, built from the latest and greatest bits, and it’s all packed into a cute new case to boot. And now I want to do more with it. I’m excited by what the crazy kids are doing these days, what with the audioblogging, podcasting, and the vlogging. And sure, I’d love to have morning jammie-clad iChats with Starfire. But now that I have a new PC with new monitor on the way, and an old reliable G3 Powerbook, I don’t see too many more toys on the horizon (or in the budget). Though I am still itching to get some fancy doohickeys (adapters, lenses, filters) for my digital SLR, to further my 5-minute crush with the flickr-ing.

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