All right, I just need to settle down, narrow my focus and take on one thing at a time. Starting…right…now. This morning I made an appointment for the little man, with a pediatric dental specialist. I’m not looking forward to it. The kid despises brushing his teeth, and so I doubt he’ll take kindly to a stranger poking around inside his mouth. So really I’m sort of dreading this, but I’ll be relieved when it’s over. Next up, resume tweaking for a job prospect that would potentially be a good fit. I’m trying not to think of anything beyond that. But so often the multi-tasking mania grips me and refuses to let go. Stoopid brain needs to slow down.
On the brighter side, there’s finally a more illuminating trailer for The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy (currently available only through Amazon, oddly enough). There’s some discussion regarding this on Slashdot, natch. I like the following comments from one poster:
Adams himself wrote the screenplay. He was famous for saying that he didn’t want any of the incarnations of the story to ever be the same (hence why the book is different than the radio drama, etc. and so on).Everything in the movie has Adams’ sanction, which means it may be a bit hoopy, and certainly froody, but damn good. I’d like to sass it right now.
I’m certainly looking forward to it, as are others about town. I think this special occasion calls for an Upper Midwest Blog Managers Association group outing.
Bonus: As a long-time fan of Fawlty Towers, this news story brought a smile to my face.
Plus: At long last, ‘McLibel’ Campaigners Win Legal Aid Battle. My, we’re just full up on Brits around here today.