It was a fine weekend, with a good balance between activity and, well, inactivity. We dined out a couple of times, ran errands, visited the library, and hung out with friends and family. Yesterday the little man and I dropped by to see the results of an annual snow culpting contest, but those folks picked the wrong weekend for it. Saturday was wintery enough, but Sunday was Springlike, with temps near 60. It was so wonderful to go on a walk through the neighborhood, without jackets. But today it’s back to reality…especially for the husband. He went back to work, to both jobs, for the first time in, oh, ten days or so. Ouch.
In other news, it’s been brought to my attention, again, that this blog has been suffering…due to my excessive flickr-ing. I’m sorry. I just can’t help myself. And flickr is just a gateway to other distractions. My latest find, Kid Ethnic. His tagline:
I’m that Lebanese Japanese Indian White kid. The ain’t got a right kid. The party all night kid.
How can I resist his charm? He’s got some fabulous photos, and even more wonderful writing. But, after a little La Coquette yesterday, I came to realize I have a thing for expat blogs. Aussies in Switzerland, Canadians in Australia, Brits in the U.S., Americans in Paris, Japan, Taiwan, etc. I can’t get enough of ‘em (yes, living vicariously through these folks does help ease my wanderlust some). So I found this article especially interesting.
Now I’m off to get my hairs cut. Chop chop!
Bonus: Que Sera Sera’s awesome pictures of her brother.