This week the little man has got me especially worried. Each morning he’s begun protesting about an hour before the school bus comes. He says “school makes me sick” then illustrates this with a weak *cough cough* noise, as though the very thought of it is bringing on an allergic reaction. I could understand this in an older child, maybe post-puberty, when the going gets rough (did for me, at any rate). But this is preschool we’re talking about. And he usually boards the school bus with a spring in his step, looking forward to a morning of playing with his peers. Which makes me wonder just what is going on. Is one of the kids being particularly crappy to him? Has one of the teachers or aides “redirected” (read: disciplined) him a little too harshly? I don’t know, and he’s not telling. But whatever it is, it’s been distressing to the both of us. I’ve left a voicemail for one of his teachers, so now it’s all wait and see. Which seems to apply to a lot of things in our lives these days. Sigh.
Bonus: For something less serious…Tetsujin niju-hachigo (Ironman # 28). There’s nothing like virtually-indestructible Gigantor robots to get me in a good mood (though I wish I could read their movie blog).
Plus: Last weekend Ryanne was lucky enough to experience the marvel that is Leslie & The Ly’s firsthand. In my excitement I tried to comment on this, but blogger kept timing out on me before my comment finally showed up…three times. Yarr.
And: A little boy named Leonard. Made me smile. Zophia had this reaction:
“that makes my ovaries hurt!!! how freaking cute!” Indeed. Also adorable, the amazing Maxwell, who is now one. Happy Birthday Count Blogula!
Lastly: Castro gives rice cookers to women on Women’s Day. The hell?