Times of transition are hard for everyone. But especially for the little man. Lately the poor boy’s been under a lot of pressure. At school they’ve been buckling down on “disruptive behaviors” in an attempt to prepare the kids for kindergarten. At home we’ve been more vigilant about getting the boy’s teeth brushed. And grandma says she’s been taking less guff from him on their visits. He’s just getting it from all sides. And I’m about to throw another curveball at him. On Monday I’m going back to work, full-time, for the first time in over a year and a half. I hadn’t planned to just yet. I wasn’t going to start looking for work until kindergarten kicked off. But I heard through the grapevine about a promising position. It sounded like such a good fit with my skillset and experience, and at such a cool little company, that, well, it was too good to pass up. I applied, I interviewed…and I got it. Maybe our luck is finally changing. And now it’s time for the husband to get a bit of a break. He’s quit one of his jobs so that he can be home with the little man, when the lad isn’t at school. I’m a touch jealous really. Their springtime will be chock full of quality guy time. While mine will be spent getting back into the swing of things. But it’s all good.
p.s. Because of the new gig I suspect my posting habits will be…changing. I won’t be posting less, necessarily, but at odd times. You know, early morning, later evening, and weekends. What’s most likely to suffer, if that’s the word for it, is my flickr-ing. C’est la vie.
Bonus: Also next week, two shows I’d like to see that seemingly have nothing in common…except that I secretly liked both bands in the same era. At the time I would have lost punk rock points for admitting it, but now I just don’t care. So without further ado…Monday night is the 7 Seconds show. While Tuesday night things get a little, uh, different, with Duran Duran. Going to both shows would be dreamy. Yeah, a pipe dream. Sigh.
Plus: Ours isn’t the only family to be struggling with these sorts of big picture ch-ch-changes. Best wishes to this Swiss/Aussie foursome.