Today’s news: some ugly, soulless jerk(s) stole all of The Decemberists gear in Portland. Naturally I wish the band a speedy recovery…of their equipment. But I’m sure the best we can hope for is a relatively painless replacement of said gear.
Yesterday’s news: it’s been confirmed. Joss Whedon will be writing and directing Wonder Woman. While I love Joss, I’m not so excited about Wonder Woman. Kinda like Peter Jackson and King Kong. But I’m sure I’ll be seeing their takes on both subjects.
In other movie news, there’s a new Sin City trailer up. Though I haven’t read the comic yet, I’m excited by the idea that it’s such a faithful adaptation of Frank Miller’s work. And April 1st is right around the corner.
It would seem about once a year I’ll be poking around the local library, grab a Terry Pratchett book at random, and only realize once I’ve gotten home that it is from the Discworld Series (he’s been so damned prolific). Even though the author claims anyone can jump in anywhere in the series (it’s a series, not a serial, or so he says) my OCD will only allow me to start with book one. So maybe one of these days I will.
The auction has just ended, to name the cruise ship in Neil Gaiman’s upcoming book, Anansi Boys. The $3,533.00 (USD) will go directly to benefit the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund. I’m curious to see if this name is divulged before the book is published, or if we have to wait and read it. Fun idea either way.
Plus: I realize it’s all relative, but this week went by in the blink of an eye.