Today is going to kick my ass. Soon I’ll be going in for my first full day of work at the new job. Immediately afterwards I’ll be heading to the Triple Rock, for the early all ages 7 Seconds show. There I will rendezvous with Anton and Sophie, who are visiting from Chicago. I’m sure the little man will be confused and dismayed when mommy doesn’t show up before bedtime. At least this will make my appearance by dinnertime (on subsequent week nights) seem spectacular by comparison.
Plus: It turns out that much of the Decemberists stolen equipment was, alas, uninsured. But if you are willing and able you can throw them a few bones to help replace their gear.
And: The wacky and wonderful craiglist posts keep on coming. Yesterday’s best? A call for a Vampire Actress, who must be “willing to wear skimpy, Vampire Nightgown”. Anyone biting?