I have no patience for assholes and their asshattery, though I’d rather not rehash the whole thing. Instead, read all about it here if you are so inclined. Naturally I think the good-natured Chuck is in the right, and this rude Hollywood hack should go back to producing B-movies. Enough said.
Speaking of movies…I’ve seen two of them this weekend, at the theater and everything. Last night I was leaning towards schmaltzy with The Way We Were, which I’ve never seen, but my companion was in the mood for Milwaukee, Minnesota. Thankfully we compromised with Mad Hot Ballroom, which we both enjoyed a great deal. Afterwards I headed to Chuck’s birthday BBQ, where I was having so much fun I stayed up WAY past my bedtime (in bed around 3:30am, up by 7am with the little man). So I’m beat today, and possibly just a touch crankier than usual, but it was well worth it. Though in my current uselessness I caved and took the little man to see the mediocre Madagascar. I’d feel hopeless about the state of kid-friendly movies, if it weren’t for two gems on the horizon…Miyazaki’s latest, Howl’s Moving Castle, and the upcoming full-length Wallace and Gromit film.
Bonus: Though I haven’t been particularly productive this weekend, I have been working my way through Woken Furies. It may well be my favorite of the Takeshi Kovacs novels.
Plus: It’s a school/work night, and as I’m already impossibly tired I will be skipping tonight’s Caribou show. The consolation prize? I finally picked up The Milk of Human Kindness last night.
And: Speaking of music…the music for the Gamecube’s Paper Mario is perpetually stuck in my head now, as the husband’s logged a lot of time playing it lately. I’ve gotten sucked into watching and, unsurprisingly, doing a little back seat driving/game playing as well. But I was right about those Fire Flowers. So there.
And another thing: Penn (of Penn and Teller) and his wife Emily had a baby girl on Friday and have named her Moxie CrimeFighter Jillette. That makes me immensely happy for some reason (via Neil Gaiman).