When I dropped the little man off at school this morning his clothes were smeared with soy yogurt. But I’d noticed too late to do anything about it. Maybe the school staff won’t notice, because they’ll be distracted by the white rubber gloves the kid donned just before dropoff. He’s still fixated on Mario and anything Mario-related. After school last night he insisted I take him to a store to acquire overalls, a red hat and some sort of water cannon…to complete the outfit. Unfortunately, for him, this mission was not accomplished. And sadly, for me, another mission went unaccomplished last night. Yet again I missed out on all of the Bruce Campbell-related events. Photos from locals haven’t turned up on flickr yet, but at least there are some recent pix from his How to Make Love the Bruce Campbell Way book tour. Some day I will see that man in person, I swear it.
Bonus: I like I Like Drawing’s Rubbish Drawings.