Saturday started off quietly enough. Lounging in pajamas. Eating pancakes. Visiting the St. Paul Public Library. A dash of chaos at lunchtime, because that’s just how Udupi’s lunch buffet is on the weekend. Afterwards, a little napping…with bonus acid reflux and vomiting, unfortunately (the new meds aren’t controlling the migraines just yet). Eventually I headed out into the evening, for a grown-up sort of night. The little man wanted to join me, and I very nearly considered it, but that would have cut the night much shorter. Which maybe wouldn’t have been such a bad thing. But still. I was in the mood for a non G-rated film. Sword of Doom was showing at the Oak Street. While I was intrigued, I didn’t think I could stomach the gore. Besides, I was in the mood for something sort of sad and uncertain. Broken Flowers fit the bill nicely (though I’m afraid Mr. Murray has become somewhat typecast). Afterwards I headed to Muddy Paws, to pick up a piece of vegan cheesecake for my lovely friend Maggie, whose birthday party I was headed to. My strategy had worked well. By getting out of the house before 7pm I was able to avoid lying down and and/or changing into my pajamas, thus increasing my chances of actually making it to the party. Which I did. It was quite pleasant to see the people. I am a people person. I like the people. It was so good to see these people that each goodbye took about an hour and I lingered until after 2am. Doh.

And it was a double-doh, in that I had agreed to participate in the Walk for Justice (on behalf of Compassionate Action for Animals) in the morning. I went to bed around 3am, woke up around 8am, neglected to have coffee or a decent meal, and dressed inappropriately…as it was much warmer than I’d anticipated, and I couldn’t find my good walking shoes. But still. I’d started my fundraising efforts late but still managed to meet my goal…by chipping in a chunk of change myself. And I got to walk with folks I haven’t gotten to hang out with in a while. Sadly the little man did not want to join me this time, as he has a host of toys that are still shiny and new enough to hold his attention. I felt a little guilty about not heading home right away after the walk, but instead enjoyed a leisurely meal at the Triple Rock…and then headed home for a shower and a nice nap. Not such a bad Sunday after all.
Bonus: Right now I want a cupcake the size of his fist. But I don’t want to become involved in any embittered cupcake battles. They probably aren’t vegan-friendly anyhow.
Plus: Quote of the day? How about Afrojet’s ode to the Wonderbar with “My favorite household project is anything that involves heavy demo.” Sorry ladies, he done got himself hitched.