Aside from our occasional streaks of crapass luck, we really do have a lot to be thankful for.
- I’m thankful we have health insurance. We’d be hella screwed without it, what with the husband’s abdominal surgery coming up next month, my high risk pregnancy, and the baby’s eventual heart surgery next summer.
- I’m thankful for the many supportive friends and family, and wonderful readers who I’ve never met, who have wished us well in the last week.
- I’m thankful I didn’t have to leave the house today, aside from going outside to play in the fresh snow with the little man.
- I’m thankful that we were able to have the annual Vegan Thanksgiving potluck at our house this year, with many of the same folks we’ve been celebrating the day with for much of the last decade, including the little man’s bio-Dad (and I’m thankful that we’re on good terms with him and able to have him over for such things).
- I’m thankful for whimsy and randomness and quirkiness in the distractions that make my world go round. Lately Drawn! has been a good source of such things…and the other usual suspects, from Bearskinrug to Mimi Smartypants and too many others to name.
- I’m thankful for the little man, obviously. I don’t think I have to mention how much I adore that boy. And I’m thankful for the husband too, even though the man regularly drives me crazy. Love you honey!
Tonight the husband walked in on me in the kitchen, when I was whipping up a new concoction. I’m no Martha Stewart, but I heard her on NPR the other day. She suggested making a puree of brussels sprouts, and mixing that into mashed potatoes. I’m highly suggestible. When I told the husband what I was doing he shook his head and said “Dude, you are so pregnant.” Well, duh. He sort of had a hand in that. Anyhow, the resulting dish was divine. And not the worst pregnancy craving in the world.
Bonus: Joe over at Pop Astronaut got me thinking about David Bowie, more than I already had been, and I realized I’ve never seen The Man Who Fell to Earth. I popped over to imdb to look it up, then happened upon Arthur and the Minimoys, an upcoming animated film that the Thin White Duke is doing some voicework for, which is being directed by…Luc Besson. What an odd combo.
Plus: ‘Fairies stop developers’ bulldozers in their tracks‘ (via Neil Gaiman).
And: One week from tomorrow…the No Coast Craft-o-Rama craft sale in Minneapolis. Be there or be square.