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When Everything’s Gone Pear-Shaped

It was one freaking lousy weekend, made worse by the fact that the weather was so totally perfect…and so many other people were out having a spectacular time. But not us. Lately my life feels like a Choose Your Own Adventure story gone horribly wrong. Not going to go into it, but I’m particularly frustrated with the uncooperative males of the household. And this week isn’t off to the best start. Already had to cancel my session with the personal trainer this morning, because I woke up feeling awful. And we missed the little man’s bus so I had to drive him all the way to school. Grrr.

Now I’m trying to think of ways to cheer myself up. Escapist fiction seems like a good route to take on this rainy day, but I’d rather not spend more money. It figures that Jim Butcher’s latest installment of the Dresden Files came out last week, but in hardcover (I think it’s the first one of the series to be in hardcover). The library has several copies, but they’re all checked out already, with holds to boot. Doh. Joe at Pop Astronaut recommends Paul Pope’s Batman Year 100. A trip to Big Brain would be fantastic, but I should sell some stuff on ebay before I buy any more non-essential items. Sigh. Thank gawd I’m going to the Sigur Ros show tonight.

plastic coated pin


  1. Tim wrote:

    I’m sorry you had a crappy weekend, and this may not be the most appropriate place to post this, but can I just say Holy Makover, Batman!!!! I guess I have been so wrapped up in Flickr and traveling that I didn’t realize you changed the site. It looks awesome, and do you know how long I have been waiting for comments???! HOORAY! Ok…hopefully you’re feeling better now. Sorry for the outburst.

    Wednesday, May 10, 2006 at 6:15 pm | Permalink
  2. Yay, Tim is in the house! And don’t apologize! I liked the outburst, thankyouverymuch. You aren’t the only one who was waiting for comments :-)

    Yeah, last weekend was spectacularly crapulent…but I’ve been having a much better week, and the outlook is good for this coming weekend. So yay!

    Wednesday, May 10, 2006 at 7:45 pm | Permalink

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