Sunday, September 10, 2006
Last week left me in need of diversions. Thankfully the weekend has been a pleasantly diverting one…
Friday night I hooked up with my peeps at the Walker, to catch the Diane Arbus exhibit before it closes (today).
Afterwards I met up with Maria, who was in town for a family wedding. She hosted a gaming party [...]
Thursday, September 7, 2006
At the beginning of the week I didn’t anticipate having any funerals to attend, then suddenly I had two to choose from. Two women, both far too young, each lost their battles with ongoing illnesses. First I found out about Steph. I hadn’t seen her in years. And I’d known her older brother better than [...]
Monday, September 4, 2006
Still coming to terms with the idea that I can’t do it all. I have neither the time nor the motivation (but I would like to refrain from being so constantly disappointed in myself). In the last week I’ve missed: The Clientele show, family day at the Walker, Cat Power at The Varsity, the chance [...]