After dinner last night the little man wanted to play some more games on the Wii, of course, but I had to play the hardass. Which I hate. I insisted that he do his homework first. The homework is simple stuff. Busywork, really. The lad just needs someone to sit next to him, to help him keep his focus (often I need that too). Last night J went downstairs to assist. And that made me sad. Listening to them go over math problems together was oddly heartbreaking. Part of me had hoped that things would work out, that J would always be with us…to be a crucial part of our little patched-together family. But it’s not to be. He’ll likely be moving out by the end of the month.
After the little man’s bedtime I made things worse…by staying up too late listening to old episodes of This American Life. That show always makes me weepy. And two segments had me all out sobbing. Even so, or maybe because of it, I’d like to get a hold of Stories of Hope and Fear - their latest “greatest hits” collection. And an extra box of tissues.
Bonus: Intrigued by Ninth Street Chronicles (via Fabulist) - a short film about “…a feisty girl who survives a[sic] eye-opening, bittersweet summer with her dignity intact.”
Plus: I’ve only just discovered Doc Misterio. So far so good even though he is not, apparently, a Minotaur.
And: I’m a long-time Decemberists fan, but their latest offering isn’t grabbing me as much as past releases. Still, I can’t get The Perfect Crime 2 out of my head. It entices with its early Talking Heads vibe.
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