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Train Wrecks and Love Songs

Maybe my life isn’t like one train wreck after another. More like it’s filled with frequent fender benders. Each little crash, in and of itself, isn’t devastating. Just stressful. Each causes a spike of adrenaline and a temporary loss of forward momentum. It’s all fits and starts. Sadly 2007 is starting off no differently. When my eyes popped open this morning my stress dial instantly cranked itself to 11. But maybe I can pretend my new year starts next week.

For now, 5 Good Things:

  1. The little man, and his imagination. Every day his creativity amazes.
  2. Over the weekend I re-read The Time Traveler’s Wife. I love that book. So much.
  3. This American Life. Last night I listened to the “Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time” episode, while playing Scrabble with myself, and I felt a little better.
  4. Giant steampunk robots! (via Drawn, another good thing)
  5. FlickrCentral’s Best of 2006. Some amazing shots to be seen.

Now it’s time to take poor Selina back to the vet. Again.

poor old girl

Bonus: Red Bamboo in Brooklyn. The menu makes me drool. In a good way.
Plus: This post’s title was lifted from Mr. Barrett Chase. Thanks for the inspiration.
And: Umm. That’s all folks.


  1. Jody wrote:

    Oooo…I also loved Time Traveler’s Wife. I just read Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, which is also amazing. Oh, and I’d LOVE to play Scrabble with ya…anytime. The hubby is getting tired of me kickin’ his butt. We just watched Word Wars and I’m rehooked!!!

    Wednesday, January 3, 2007 at 9:09 am | Permalink
  2. DW wrote:

    I bought Time Traveler’s Wife though I didn’t like the book all too much. Though the story makes my heart ache…
    Scrabble? It’s awesome. Nobody will play with me anymore; I never thought to play it by my self. Thats a good idea. Thanks!

    Wednesday, January 3, 2007 at 9:17 am | Permalink
  3. Yeah, solo Scrabble kinda sorta scratches the itch, but isn’t quite the same. Jody, you are so on! I’m not competitive. I just like to play. Also, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close is on my list. Maybe I’ll bump it up in the queue.

    Wednesday, January 3, 2007 at 9:32 am | Permalink
  4. Chel wrote:

    I went to Red Bamboo this summer and the food was really good! Unfortunately there was loud live music while we were there I my group and I were in a talking mood. Everytime I’m in Brooklyn I wanna move there. But I know that actually living in NYC (as opposed to visiting) has some serious downsides.

    Wednesday, January 3, 2007 at 1:44 pm | Permalink
  5. Tabitha99 wrote:

    What a gorgeous cat! I sure hope she feels better soon. And I LOVE the Time Traveler’s Wife! I’m probably due for a re-read of it. But there’s so much else I also want to read…

    Wednesday, January 3, 2007 at 3:45 pm | Permalink
  6. mopsa wrote:

    The LP just finished Time Traveler’s Wife and is insisting I read it. Your reco makes it that much more intriguing.

    Chin up, buckaroo.

    Wednesday, January 3, 2007 at 10:48 pm | Permalink
  7. chuck wrote:

    pretty kitty!

    Thursday, January 4, 2007 at 2:37 am | Permalink
  8. Eve wrote:

    I’ve been wanting to check out Red Bamboo, but it’s not that close to where I am in Brooklyn. I heard TTW was a good book, I might have to wait til the hype dies down though before I read it.

    Thursday, January 4, 2007 at 8:21 pm | Permalink

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