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The False Expectation

Some old friends, a couple, are helping me get my house prepped and ready to sell. She’s a realtor. He’s a lot of things, including something I am most certainly not - handy. He’s got a key to my place and has been doing this and that. Plastering, priming, painting, etc. Yesterday he called from my house, to go over our To Do list. But he also made an offhand remark about my bedroom. Something about what he’d come across while moving the books off the bookshelf. Some incriminating photos. They were, umm, polaroids. I had a little panic attack. He went on to say that, judging from what was written on them, they appeared to be from 1987 and 1989. And I knew immediately what they were.


lovely ladies who lunch

Bonus: Feeling pretty ambivalent about the redesign. But the teaser is up for I Am Legend. I sound like a broken record but, once again, I am apprehensive about a film adaptation of one of my favorite books. Time will tell.
Plus: There are so many brilliant web comics out there. My current fave? “A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language.” Especially this one and this one.
And: I’ve had my phone since the beginning of the year. I bought some cheap ass car charger to go along with it. Damned thing died today. I hardly knew ya.


  1. Dels wrote:

    xkcd.comI’ve totally fallen for XKCD as well, since Jeph linked to it on Questionable Content. This is currently my work wallpaper, which I think is very fitting.

    Thursday, June 14, 2007 at 10:49 pm | Permalink
  2. emily wrote:

    Oh my gosh, that handyman is my new favorite person, for leading you on about his Polaroid find like that. Also - that hair! I feel so lucky that I was just young enough to miss the Eighties Style on myself, but old enough to be keenly aware of it, and thus now have a well-stocked arsenal of memories of my older sister’s style to taunt her with for the rest of her life.

    I’m not dying, apparently - just having an allergic reaction to the world around me. Ok then! So plans are still in place to go see Garrison. If I ran into him at the co-op, I think it might take alot to stop myself from hugging him around his waist, and asking him for a special tale from Lake Wobegon, just for me…. :)

    Friday, June 15, 2007 at 8:51 am | Permalink

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