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Murmuring is Wasted Breath

Been trying to keep it all under control lately. Finally took my car in for repairs. Signed a contract to have my boiler replaced. Called a plumber about coming to check out the leaky bathtub faucet tomorrow. Made significant headway in clearing the clutter out of my house (with the help of friends, again, one of whom mowed the lawn too). Made a trip to Goodwill, ditching a carload of unwanted stuff. Continued to wrestle with the idea of a condo vs. a smaller house - this article didn’t help. Allowed myself too many distractions, in the form of the Flight of the Conchords show, an after hours gathering at work, and a sneak preview of the new Narnia movie. Forced myself to skip both Heliotrope and Art A Whirl - and a road trip to South Dakota - over the weekend. Skipping Pizza Farm tomorrow night in favor of keeping the forward momentum going. Hoping to have some sort of fun in the very near future.

day 133, feeling somewhat beleaguered

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