Yesterday I found out there’s a Serge Gainsbourg biopic in the works. A little recon revealed it will be French language, thankfully. That’s the only way to go. Not only will it be legit, it will make it much sexier (like Serge himself). The director attached to the project is an odd choice. It is my favorite French comic book artist, Joann Sfar. You can see/purchase his work here. The Professor’s Daughter is fantastic! But it will be Sfar’s first film which is kinda crazy. Still, it could work:
“Sfar’s cutting-edge creativity and unique take on the character of Serge Gainsbourg is what really drew us to this project,” the head of Universal Pictures International Studio, Christian Grass, told Variety magazine.
They’ve done a bang up job with casting. French actor Eric Elmosnino is looking good as Serge. And I’m looking forward to seeing it in 2010.
Bonus: The top 100 tracks of the year, according to Pitchfork.
Plus: A review of the amusingly named Bacchus-D energy drink. I did not partake. I’m shaky enough as it is.
And: Do you like to tango?
That’s pretty exciting about the Gainsbourg biopic.
Thank you for the good news, I will look forward to this.
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