Nothing says Merry Christmas quite like emergency surgery. My step-mother went under the knife last night, unplanned. I feel badly for her and for my father and I’m not sure how long before she returns home. I was already feeling unprepared for and stressed by the impending holidays, but now I’m downright overwhelmed. And at our home we never got around to putting up a Christmas tree. For the first year in the boy’s memory. But I am low on time, energy and, most importantly, money. But I did endure the boy’s school holiday program this morning. Even though he refused to participate. Instead he sat by my side, in the audience, wearing safety headphones to block out the sound of his classmates singing.
Bonus: Season two premiere of The Flight of the Conchords.
Plus: The mystery project revealed: Neil Gaiman’s The Day the Saucers Came, illustrated.
And: I find myself intrigued by Guy Ritchie’s Sherlock Holmes.
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