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Peering Anxiously Beyond the Horizon

And here we are, barreling through yet another week, while I remind myself to take deep breaths. We’ve had a Swine Flu scare, abundant and blazingly hot hot heat - with time spent in the wading pool, my son’s last week of third grade, my Dad’s last week on the job, more half-assed roommate hunting, lots of show-skipping (didn’t go to either X or Mika Miko, but will go to Shellac tomorrow night), procrastinating on a number of projects (including setting up my etsy site), been struggling to complete a thought and now I’m on to last minute trip prep. I will be flying to L.A. on Friday. And when I say L.A. I do actually mean Los Angeles, not the Appalachian Trail via Argentina.

Instead of posting regularly I’ve been stockpiling my “good and/or interesting things” list items. Now to flood you with them:

And now to push off my list of concerns until after my brief sojourn. The worrying will wait until my return. That will be my mantra for the next several days.

Emily and Taylor

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