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Monthly Archives: May 2010

Some Days Are Better Than Others

Yesterday’s day trip to Duluth was a resounding success, despite some minor setbacks. Upon arrival we discovered the big used bookstore we’d been looking forward to pillaging is now out of commission. And Obscuriosities Retro also seems to be closed for business (but still taunts and tantalizes with a storefront that makes it appear as [...]

All Your Bad Days Will End

Some Monday mornings I just shouldn’t listen to news radio on my drive in. So much gloom and doom. The shootings in St. Paul on Saturday. The thankfully failed car bomb in NYC. The ecological disaster of epic proportions off the coast of Louisiana. And more. Is it wrong that I need to bury my [...]

The Moments of Connection

Earlier I was crying while making dinner. I hadn’t planned to. Or expected to. I’d been happily listening to a re-broadcast on MPR of a recent Neil Gaiman talk. He is my favorite storyteller and I have seen/heard him give many such talks in the past, covering much of the same material. But it struck [...]

Maybe So, Maybe No

We finally received news from the school district…about which school the lad will be attending in the Fall. Yay? Only it wasn’t our first choice. But I’m not sure if it has anything to do with the way the numbers shook out or if it was just a clerical error. Because the school we were [...]