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Shark Ridden Waters

After a decent birthday weekend I managed to wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Or the wrong side of the universe. And have been attempting to course correct all day.

How about five good things, yeah? YEAH!

  • I must have known Reverse Graffiti is a thing but it seems like it’s brand new to me. I’ve had so many head injuries who knows? I do know that right here right now it is one of my favorite things.
  • Wow, I was a teenager in the 80s but somehow I totally missed these old school sports posters.
  • Roy’s jeans! Watching Roy make jeans is a joy.
  • The community-supported agriculture movement is changing the way many Minnesotans shop and eat — and health professionals are taking notice.
  • Speaking of, tonight we’ll be picking up our first Vasa Gardens half-bushel box of the season. It’s more economical/less wasteful for our little family unit than investing in a full or half CSA share throughout the summer. Instead we pay by the box, only ordering once every few weeks when we’re running low on produce.

Tonight I’m planning to make this strawberry rhubarb crumble (with ingredients from my Vasa Gardens box) and possibly sit on my back deck, drinking sake, while not punching anyone in the throat.

Scattered Light

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