Wednesday, August 31, 2011
Attempting to keep the anxiety at bay while staring down this pile of short sale paperwork I ought to tackle by end of day. And wondering just when the hell the closing will actually happen and where we’re going to end up moving to. Let’s think about five wonderful things instead, shall we?
Watching this video [...]
When it rains it pours! It feels like life has really been ratcheted up to life PLUS PLUS lately. Hoping this recent tidal surge will recede soon. Earlier I got off the phone with my realtor, again, confirming which offer to take for my house. Soon we will have a shitstorm of short sale paperwork [...]
Got the call this morning that my son was evacuating. And honestly, that’s better than if they tried to stay put through a category 2 hurricane. But I can only imagine how packed the roads are with others fleeing the area. Thankfully they’ve got a hotel room lined up far enough inland. But it might [...]
Thursday, August 25, 2011
I am rethinking the wisdom of sending my son to North Carolina in August. Second summer of doing so. Second summer of HURRICANES. Last year it was Earl. This time it’s Irene. Just got off the phone with grandma who doesn’t think they need to evacuate. But is very much in battening-down-the-hatches mode. My stress [...]
The house is sooooooo quiet with my son away. I haven’t been getting *too* wild and crazy in his absence. Between seasonal allergies and stress I haven’t felt up to it. But taking it easy once in a while is all right with me. And doesn’t happen nearly enough anyhow.
Saturday I didn’t feel compelled to [...]
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
We’ve have had some pretty great times lately but I’ve been feeling burned out. On life in general and not just the solo parenting. The stress of attempting to sell our house has been wearing me down. A recent prospective buyer, the asshat who forced us out so very early on a Saturday morning, left [...]
Somehow I’ve seen two 80s era David Lynch movies in the last week, with the same companion. First a showing of “Dune” at the Turf Club (fun to watch among die-hard and drunken fans). Then “Blue Velvet” at The Loring Theater for David Lynch Night (I “won” half a cherry pie). We may need to [...]
The last 48 hours have been particularly odd. And interesting. And vexing. Filled with promise, with situations both fantastic and terrifying. I am trying to keep expectations low…particularly in regard to the house. A potential buyer has suddenly materialized. My panic levels have been rising FAST about that, and other things. Next week I send [...]
Oh my. I was so focused on our own hectic schedules and timelines that a crucial detail escaped me. I seem to have scheduled my son’s birthday party on the 10th anniversary of 9/11. Drat. I hope that doesn’t put anyone off. Life does go on. My son is proof of that. He was only [...]
As I keep pushing forward everything is pushing back. Like I’m locked in a perpetual shoving match with a weeble wobble. But I’m determined to keep at it. So much so that I’m just now coming down from a long run of busy busy balance-maintaining activity. Maybe I erred on the side of fun though, [...]