Attempting to keep the anxiety at bay while staring down this pile of short sale paperwork I ought to tackle by end of day. And wondering just when the hell the closing will actually happen and where we’re going to end up moving to. Let’s think about five wonderful things instead, shall we?
- Watching this video left me with that rollercoaster ride feeling in the pit of my stomach but it’s amazing: Grinding the Crack. That man must be crazy or have balls of steel, or both.
- So all the silly hubbub about Lady Gaga performing in drag at the VMAs? Annie Lennox did it first (and better) at the 1984 Grammy Awards.
- I kinda love this: 100 Years of East London Styles in 100 Seconds
- An interview with Dolly Parton.
- More brilliant bootleg movie posters from Ghana.
Stopping by the Apple movie trailers site earlier was a little surreal, like someone had made mock movie trailers from my fever dreams. My man Viggo Mortensen playing Sigmund Freud in a Cronenberg film? Freaking Vincent Gallo as a Taliban fighter in an action thriller? And a trailer for the documentary The Weird World of Blowfly. Complicated, fascinating stuff. Just the way I like it.
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