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Long Story Short

The deed is done. 12+ years of homeownership/residency is coming to an end. I was approved for the duplex I’d been hoping for and have signed the lease. It’s the one further West, in a fantastic neighborhood that has loads within walking distance, and with all of the other quality-of-life improving bonuses. It will be worth the extra rent. The next hurdle will be packing up and moving for the first time since the 90s (and getting to the end of the short sale process - closing won’t happen for a few more months). But we’re so close to the finish line. 2011 has been one helluva year.

Five more good things:

  • After three weeks of enduring the harsh rays of the sun - my missing $400 Rx sunglasses magically reappeared! Such a relief.
  • When the temperatures drop both of the cats morph back into overly affectionate little lovepigs. I realize they’re just using me for my body heat but I am ok with this.
  • In bigger cat/faux cat news, I just learned about the Puli Kali dance in India’s Kerala state. Holy body paint!
  • My son randomly declared his love for Mystery Science Theater 3000, which he watched at a friend’s house. Hooray! More things we can watch together that we will both enjoy. I also bought us a season pass for Futurama Season 8 via Amazon Instant Video, and a season 3 pass for myself for Archer. I watched the premiere last night. *sploosh* It seems like I am turning to Amazon Instant more and more over Netflix or iTunes lately. And I don’t know about this Qwikster business. I gave up Netflix’s DVD service ages ago.
  • Broke down and got a Costco membership today. Had never been in one of these supersized warehouses of conspicuous consumption before. I was having flashbacks to Idiocracy but the way my pre-teen son is eating, it’ll be worth it. Though I mostly joined to get a deal on tires for my car.

Full speed ahead. This morning I’m meeting up with a fine group of ladies for breakfast at the Aster Cafe. Tomorrow night the boyfriend and I are seeing Swans, with Sir Richard Bishop opening, at First Avenue (something we’ve both been looking forward to for a while now). Wednesday sees another installment of Social Science, the adult night at the Science Museum. On the other side of that is another action-packed weekend and somewhere in between - processing the nearly 1000 photos I shot at a lovely wedding this past Saturday.

Talia v. Shark

One Comment

  1. shokufeh wrote:

    Congratulations! I’m sorry it’s with somewhat mixed feelings to say goodbye to your house, but I’m excited for your new adventures and life without that monkey on your back.

    Monday, September 19, 2011 at 8:30 am | Permalink

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