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The Sacred in the Mundane

Growing up Catholic I was taught that today is All Saints’ Day. As an agnostic adult I vastly prefer the Day of the Dead angle. But as I get older I have more and more dead to remember.
My brother Tom.
My stillborn son Felix.
All of my grandparents and great uncles.
High school friends Jennifer, Chris, Josh and Kevin.
And, more recently, my brother-in-law Eric.

We will be remembering them tonight, with a backyard fire.

How about five good things?

  • It’s crockpot weather. Tonight’s dinner has been simmering all day, while I’ve worked from home. Also yay for telecommuting in cold weather. Our apartment is just so cozy.
  • My son, the boyfriend and I were pleased to find our favorite Studio Ghibli films will be showing at the Lagoon Theater this month.
  • Love is what makes a family. I am proud to have contributed, in a small way (some of the still photos), to the making of this video.
  • I enjoyed Tiny Fantasy’s set the other night and look forward to seeing them again. So much good local music happening these days. Too bad I have to fight my overwhelming urge to hunker down at home in order to get out and see/hear any of it.
  • Happened to go to Target today, for boring things, like cat litter, and wandered near the half-off Halloween items. I maybe picked up a few more home furnishing (that I will use year round).

My son took a field trip today, to a college campus. When I asked him how it was or for any information about it all he could remember was that he had a Sprite. Sigh. Sounds about right. The good news, I attended an IEP meeting / three year evaluation review at his school this week and he has continued to make great gains. Some of which leave him in that scary gray area. He’ll probably be spending even more time in the main stream classes, away from the safety net of the autism rooms. But his academic skills are right around grade level. If only we could get the social skills there as well.

Halloween at The Hack Factory

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