I cry uncle. Or, as my son’s Dad would have us say, I yield to the merciless aggressor. Everything is horrible. The news has been overwhelming this week. The U.S. House of Representatives shamefully passed CISPA. Our local weather can be categorized as soul-crushing. My illness persists. I need to be transported. Mentally at least, if not physically.
Five things to divert my attention:
- “In Sri Lanka, the coconut is, in a sense, a source of life. Not only it is the main ingredient in most Sri Lankan dishes, but the entire coconut tree — From the roots to the coconut itself to the tips of the leaves — plays a major role in the non-culinary ways of life. Without the coconut, things in Sri Lanka would be very different. We spent the day with a family of 8 on their coconut plantation outside of Negombo, where they showed us all this fruit (nut?) has to offer.” Wonderful video.
- Speaking of coconut….local ice cream makers FrozBoz have crafted a vegan-friendly coconut hibiscus and lime flavor. I would love to try it.
- Most of the news stateside has been crap, but the other day lawmakers in New Zealand approved a marriage equality bill. Go Kiwis! And in it’s-about-damned-time-news, Activists cheer as Montana formally decriminalizes gay sex
- This hyper polyglot teenager taught himself to speak 23 languages. Neat.
- Science is awesome. What Happens When You Wring Out a Washcloth in Space
With yet more snow blanketing our region it seems like Spring will never come. We’ll just skip ahead, eventually, into summer. And summer of dresses. To that end I’ve been pinteresting dresses I would like to wear. Some day, when the weather cooperates. But that only induces more guilt about being brainwashed by our consumerist culture. I can’t win. And now more than ever I want off this rock. But all I’ve got is escapism. Elysium or Oblivion? Speaking of off of this rock and escapism…I also have access to watch the Lil Bub documentary in its entirety (the trailer posits that she is really an alien). I plan to tune out the rest of the world today and daydream about warmer and happier times.
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