Happy Friday! It’s also National Coming Out Day. And my awesome gay boss and her adorable family unit are featured in HuffPost. Pretty cool.
Five more good things for this fine Friday:
- A Father Photographs the World of His Autistic Son
- Firefighter Rescues A Kitten From A Burning House, Catches It All On A GoPro Camera
- In more light-hearted cat news…seriously, that made me tear up…how about Brides Throwing Cats (instead of bouquets).
- I’ve road-tripped from LA to Palm Springs and back again a couple of time. And this only makes me want to do it again.
- “This Musical Swing Set Is the World’s Coolest Instrument” - a bold statement, but I tend to agree.
Halloween is on a Thursday night this year. Which means the kid and I still have to get up at 6am the next day. He would like for us to have a party at our place, on Halloween itself. But I’m thinking the weekend before might be better. Or maybe we’ll try to do two of them. I know several people, my boyfriend included, who are heading to The Cedar to see Jandek on Halloween. That is not for me. Halloween is my favorite holiday and must be properly observed. The bash being put on by the Swedish Institute looks rad but I’m not going to ditch my son in order to attend it. Though he’s really too old for trick or treating now (he declared this last year). It’s looking like the two of us will be having a backyard fire on All Hallows’ Eve instead. And that is just fine.
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