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I Made It Through the Dark

Saturday morning my son and I left the house, headed to the Santopticlaus sale at CO Exhibitions. We didn’t get far. A block from home a neighbor came barreling out of an icy alley and crashed into the front end (driver’s side) of my already much-abused Mazda. The car I have been thinking of getting rid of or replacing for a while now. It was technically totaled the summer of 2012 but I opted to repair it then as I had just replaced the clutch, among other expensive repairs. This week I’m playing the waiting game again with insurance adjustors and am unsure how it will all turn out. Extra stress for the holidays! And I realized something. This is the first time I’ve had to deal with such hassles in the dead of winter. It was so bitterly cold Saturday (0 degrees, -15 windchill) we opted not to call the police. The year my car was totaled by floods it was July and monsoon-like. Years ago when a woman broadsided my car (while she was driving on the wrong side of the street and didn’t even slow down for a stop sign) it was early Fall. And last time around was late June, the day after my birthday. Once again I am so thankful I am able to work from home. And that the school bus transports my son to and from school.

I’ve been saving up some of these in browser tabs for the last week or so…but here we are. Five good things:

Aside from the car accident we had a pretty good weekend. Our holiday decorations are up, including our very real tree (that is oddly deformed - the top isn’t as pointy as it should be). We all attended a wonderful holiday party with friends. I enjoyed a baby shower with old friends. At The Saloon of all places - the addition to the back of the building is remarkably lovely. The boyfriend and I went to a show at Seward Cafe last night that was just the thing. Suzuki Junzo, touring from Japan, played along with some local musician friends of ours. And I got on top of several batches of photo editing that needed to be taken care of before my next photo jobs this coming weekend.

Emily flipping off the mistletoe

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