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Breaking the World Into Moments

Well then. I used to blog here regularly, from 1999 to 2014. Until Wordpress and PHP got into fisticuffs. Instead of wading into the fray and troubleshooting the issue I kinda just let this blog go. Social media had already taken over by that point. I hung on to this domain and its archives but it was my secret shame. Well, a publicly accessible secret shame. Since then I’ve haphazardly posted to my photo blog and kept my Five Good Things alive on Facebook but I have missed this outlet. And lo and behold! Somehow I’m able to log in and post again. I’m not sure why but I am thankful for it.

So much has changed since my last update here, back in November 2014. In the world at large and in my personal life. I couldn’t have imagined much of it. My little man is now 18 years old and graduating from high school, after enjoying his reign as Homecoming King last Fall. I left a company I mostly loved after ten years of employment and have been with my current company for over three years. A company that has more than tripled in size in that time. I’ve visited nine different countries since 2014 (and had only been to two of them before). My son and I wised up and started taking warm weather Spring Break vacations instead of going to gloomy wet places like Iceland or Seattle in March. Romantic relationships have come and gone. I’m still mostly on my own but that’s ok. Since my last post here I started seeing a therapist regularly, which has been challenging but incredibly helpful. I’m turning 45 soon and still don’t know exactly what I want to be when I grow up. But I have a much better idea of who I am, what I want out of life and what I need to do to make it all happen.

How about Five Good Things?

walk on the wild side

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