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Freeze All Motor Functions

What a weekend. Spring has finally sprung, for real, but I was stuck in self-care/recuperation mode much of Friday night and into Saturday. Lounging in loungewear while reading, writing a short story and travel planning. But also squeezing in some cooking and cleaning. Necessary. I did make it out for a walk around Lake Harriet yesterday. There’s something so quintessentially Minnesotan about joggers in short shorts and tank tops circling a still frozen snow-covered lake.

Then a drone collided with my face and got tangled up in my hair. Not by the lake. I was indoors, shooting a Robot Fashion Show, like you do. A drone racing team was there providing half-time entertainment. That went well enough. My son really got a kick out of it. But after the event one of the drones smacked me full in the face and I got a plastic cut (much worse than a paper cut) on my upper lip.

Five Good Things:

Parker with decapitated GI Joe ring


  1. andre wrote:

    I’m so happy to see that you’re blogging again!

    Read your site regularly back in the pre-Facebook era and came here on a lark today.


    Thursday, April 26, 2018 at 9:34 am | Permalink
  2. Sharyn wrote:

    Oh funny! I’m glad you stopped by :-) And it’s been fun to be blogging again but it feels like some sort of weird time warp.

    Friday, April 27, 2018 at 10:09 am | Permalink

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